Friday, September 14, 2007

the human element...

Every time I see a DOW chemical commercial, they affect me; they get to that soft spot in me and I am reminded of the "human element" that so much of life consists of. Why do these commercials resonate with me?
Its because our words, actions, and expressions have far more impact on each other, the world, our own lives, the environment and decisions than we realize. The human element has tremendous potential: it enables us to connect with each other, to sympathize with each other as well as to appreciate and value each other because we are all humans. As humans we possess worth, not because of the human element it self but because of what the human element reflects. The human element is not the most important element but it reflects the most important element: God-the source of all life.


Unknown said...

It's a bit ironic that dow does these commercials, and yet, they were connected with the Bhopal disaster in the 80s (among others). I think they are trying to do some image management, but I don't know if they are doing much about the damage done to other folks.

Alexandra Beltran said...

Sé que es un poco tarde, 2 años despues. Pero "the human element", no es una campaña para subsanar los errores pasados, es una campaña para que la ciencia,en especial la quimica, se conecte con el hombre y su humanidad (por asi decirlo), y que el hombre se conecte con ella, la entienda y pueda manejarla conscientemente. Es una campaña para entender que la quimica no esta separada de la sociedad es parte de ella y quien la practique (quimicos o ingenieros quimicos) no solo debe conocer la ciencia y sus aplicaciones, sino tambien debe conocer al hombre y la influencia social y cultural que tiene su labor. Actualmente, estamos buscando cientificos humanistas y si no se pueden corregir los desastres pasados al menos evitamos los futuros,que pudiesen ser peores.