Thursday, July 12, 2007

What's in your hands....

This morning I was looking at a website that one of my friends, Billy Williams recommended and I downloaded a talk by a guy named Crawford Loritts. I've never heard of this pastor but I listened and I was extremely motivated by it. Working with students one of the questions that we are always asking is what are we building into and modeling for the next generation [this generation]? What are you doing to build into those who are coming behind you and also what are you doing to honor those who have gone ahead to live in a godly way and to motivate you on your spiritual journey?

Here is the link to the vodcast:
The title is Passing the Torch


1 comment:

Jeff Moss said...

Mark, it was good to see you last week. My blog is up now at . I tried to write to your old Hotmail address, but it looks like that one isn't working any more.

The Lord's grace be with you!
