Tuesday, March 6, 2007

is that effective?

Walking through my neighborhood the other morning, I witnessed something that has bugged me to no end. I saw an individual on their back porch calling their cat with a pan and a fork [no kidding here]. They were banging the fork on the pan in an attempt to get the cat's attention. My initial thought was "that's not something that you see every day" and then I asked myself, "Is that the most effective way to communicate with a cat?" As I pondered more on the subject I wondered who is observing me try and communicate with other people and are my methods effective or just a bunch of noise? If I was the cat, I wouldn't have returned home. What are some of the ways that you have found effective when communicating with people or things that you do to make your communication better? I think we always need to be asking if we are being effective with people and especially with the gospel.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Did you stop to think that maybe the person's voice was not pleasing to the cat or that the person could be deaf and not speek well or maybe even a mute. Sometimes our communication is effective and sometimes what can be precieved as noise to some people can be very effective to others. Some gospel songs actually hurt my ears but others are drawn to it. If God puts something on your heart to say, don't worry that it may be taken as just noise, God will make it effective. I'll bet the cat returned home!- Jacki Marino